måndag 28 april 2008

Artwork and Wealth

Wealth is a subject I like to debate. Art is one very interesting one as well. I am not interested in how the artist has painted a painting, I am more interested in the wealth related part of that painting. The "collector value" so to speak.

For example: Create 4 equally looking paintings (or have a good artist do 4 equally looking paintings). Then sell one of those paintings as expensive as possible.


4 equally looking paintings is created by an artist (paid by you). You get all 4 paintings. One of the paintings is sold by you at an auction. You recieve $100,000 for this one painting. The other 3 paintings is kept by you. These 3 paintings are valued at $100,000, each, after the auction sale of one of the paintings. That means you hold paintings worth a total of $300,000 ($100,000 X 3 equally looking paintings).

Wealth created out of necesity.

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