måndag 17 december 2007

About the fee system

Fee system used by dealmakers

Many people dislike dealing with dealmakers most of the time, because they think they will be losing money when using a dealmaker. They think they will save some cash by bypassing them But let me put it this way:

If you could be introduced to a guy with a great potential of making your particular deal happen right now, then wouldn't that be worth a couple of dollars to the dealmaker introducing this guy to you and introducing you to this guy? Wouldn't it be worth it to pay the dealmaker in order to avoid waisting time figuring out how to reach this contact by yourself? I think it is. I think it is worth every penny.

The funny thing about being a dealmaker is that people think you will fool them. That they will recieve no value whatsoever for their money. Well, let me then give you a hint on why they will recieve a value or their money back.

When you are dealing with a client you ask him to pay a commitment fee into a third party escrow. You then give the client a due diligence of 15 days and upwards. If you where lying to the client about your contacts he would recieve his money back very quickly. You wouldn't get the money that way. Only if you give honest information you would get the commitment fee. Otherwise you would lose it all. It's that simple.

Why commitment fees?
You want people to know that it will cost them money to be part of what you are introducing to them. Also you need to recieve some money for the time, commitment and exclusivity you are giving your client. I mean, if you are willing to commit 1 year of your time on making a deal happen and your client or the other party have no intention on proceeding to striking a deal, then you would be out of both time and money. That is not a way of paying your bills. That is just nuts.

Your client needs to know that there is a price to pay even if the deal doesn't materialize.

The fee system is also there to see who is serious about your services and who isn't serious. You will gain so much energy and time that way. That way you can help those who value your time and commitment.

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